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It's up & running! - DFWU Discord

Posted: 19 Feb 2021 03:33
by undefinedprocess
Alright, I finally got off of my ass and did it. The unofficial DFWU Discord server is up and running. If you know what Discord is & already have an account, please join using the following link:

"Why?" "WTF is Discord?" If that's you, well, for some context, here's an excerpt from my original post in the General Discussion section.
I, myself, am way too obsessed with following development around DFW and would love to have a more casual way of discussing it & other various topics with everyone. I view this forum as more of a place where I want to see/post things that are "post-worthy," and can/will/should be referenced in the future, that way, we don't have to rely on Steve Brown, you know?

I'm not sure if there are any of you on here who are a little younger like myself, but I've been debating creating a Discord server to somewhat mirror this forum for a while now. I like the idea of more candid/casual/quicker conversation, as well as the possibility of voice calls/chats, as y'all are really the only "people" in my life that I can discuss this stuff with. Nobody around me has any interest whatsoever in development, construction, etc., so...

Anyways, y'all please let me know if you have any interest in this, as I'd love to be able to discuss all this stuff with y'all on a different platform (but not take away from the forum). As I said, just a bit more of a candid/quick platform to use.

(If you're confused as to what Discord is, or what I'm talking about & have any questions, drop 'em below.)
To summarize that novel... I set up a Discord server based around DFWU & general development topics for more candid discussions. If you aren't familiar with Discord, it's essentially a chat room type of platform, and I set it up similar to this forum. Personally, I view this site as a resource. Of course, we all have discussions, debates, and share our opinions on everything, but there's always great information & insights present from the wide variety of users we have. Sometimes, though, I wish there were a quicker way to chat with y'all about many of these topics. Someone might make a funny comment and posting a simple "lol" or some other short response just clutters up the forum. Plus, I'm obsessed as I mentioned in the quoted text above, so I selfishly wanted a quicker way to nerd out about all of this shit with y'all.

Discord Server Goals/Perks:
• Quick, instant chat with various "channels" (similar to threads/topic categories on here)
• Voice chat, so those who'd like can discuss things even more efficiently (and if you don't want to speak, you can get on, mute yourself, and listen)
• Video chat/screen sharing - DFWU "events" and other fun stuff. I don't know how much I'd video chat myself, but screen sharing would definitely be useful, fun, and open up new possibilities for this community.

If you don't have a Discord account, it's super easy to set up and use. They have a web app (which you can access from a browser), plus iOS, Android, macOS, & Windows apps, so you can get set up very easily no matter the device you're using. If you have trouble, message me or reply to this post. I'll help anyone get set up! I'd love to see as many users as possible join.

Once again, here's the link:

Re: It's up & running! - DFWU Discord

Posted: 19 Feb 2021 13:37
by cowboyeagle05
I will have to check it out after work today so glad to see a new outlet for the membership to drift between topics and discussion. Thanks for setting it up I will be glad to join!

Re: YOU need to join! - DFWU Discord Server

Posted: 05 Mar 2021 11:05
by undefinedprocess
Bumping this. There have been way too many of you that've viewed this post who haven't joined the Discord server. JOIN damnit, I'm lonely in there.