6th Street - Anyone know what is going there?

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6th Street - Anyone know what is going there?

Post by petecambell »

I can only hope this bar is going away to make room for something more useful but I imagine they are just reinventing themselves. Does anyone know what it will be?
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Re: 6th Street - Anyone know what is going there?

Post by DPatel304 »

Someone is saying it's a rebrand on reddit:
https://www.reddit.com/r/Dallas/comment ... wn_dallas/

I really think it's time for this stretch of bars to just move somewhere else. I don't even mind if they stay in Uptown, but this particular intersection just has way too many people spilling on to the streets and cars going a bit too fast.
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Re: 6th Street - Anyone know what is going there?

Post by Cbdallas »

...so slow the cars down with more lights and better crosswalks same goes for Cedars Springs from Oak Lawn to Douglas.
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Re: 6th Street - Anyone know what is going there?

Post by DPatel304 »

Cbdallas wrote:...so slow the cars down with more lights and better crosswalks same goes for Cedars Springs from Oak Lawn to Douglas.
Generally, I would agree with this solution, but even if we were to improve the area surrounding Kung Fu, I still wouldn't like that area being 'party central'. It just feels so out of place, and not fit for such large crowds (no matter how many improvements are made there). I think those bars have had a good run there, and relocating and re-branding in a different location might not be such a bad thing for them.

Personally, I think we'd be better off if those four bars move to the Quadrangle and replaced some of the existing retail. Get rid of the surface parking and turn it into a pedestrian only plaza with some late night food trucks, and you'll have a pretty good area for nightlife. It'll also bring those bars closer to BBC, Sidebar, Gingerman and the rest of the bars on McKinney.

I 100% agree with you about Cedar Springs, though. I think that's a decent enough area and, with the right improvements, could be a wonderful strip of bars and retail.
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Re: 6th Street - Anyone know what is going there?

Post by muncien »

I wish we'd see more speed bumps used. I remember many years ago when visiting the heart of Mexico how many speed bumps were encountered when you went through towns. In speaking with one of the mayors, he pointed out how it eliminated the need for excessive signaling and police patrols. The slower the speed limit, the more prominent the speed bump... the higher the speed limit, the less prominent. They had it down to a science, I swear... Seems like a very effective and cheap means to accomplish the goal.
Anyway... wandering from topic. Sorry.
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Re: 6th Street - Anyone know what is going there?

Post by cowboyeagle05 »

Two things speed bumps are bad and I mean as a traffic speed solution. They are what the city does to shut people up but rarely actually solve the problem and cause so much damage to cars in the process even to the cars not speeding. Not to mention the city sees this stretch of roadway as a highway of sorts. During rush hour it's busy with cars moving between Highland Park, Uptown and of course Turtle Creek. The city won't put speed bumps there for that reason alone. Even the traffic management world knows they are a band-aid to the larger problem so they discourage their use. Policy makers love them because noisy neighborhood associations think they got what they want.

The city tried to fix the section of Cedar Springs near the gay bars but all the traffic calming solutions that have proven to work that were proposed by the city were rejected by the bars and business owners. Most business owners see slowing cars down as a detriment to their business. They see narrowed streets with on-street parking and plentiful crosswalks as speedbumps to them making money and ultimately paying the bills. It's not just about bars either. The nail salons and restaurants point of view in these areas look at Lowest Greenville and are horrified at the construction those areas had to go through just to get pleasantly walkable districts. They are not willing to put their bottom line on the seesaw of reconstruction. They also don't see how our streets are currently designed for high-speed travel above all else and how that actually doesn't work in their businesses favor. Most of these business owners would gladly move near an even busier street with large parking lots because to them that's the only way they will make money.
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Re: 6th Street - Anyone know what is going there?

Post by JohnMcKee »

What's going on with 6th street is they are on the TABC delinquency list so not being able to buy alcohol to sell anymore is probably one among a number of problems they are having related to not having money.
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