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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by rono3849 »

scott2 wrote:I think that is a valid and astute observation. Our politics in Texas does seem to have taken a "hard right turn" of late and may turn off some of the West and East coast companies looking at relocation but the financial advantages take first priority in conversations being had in Board Rooms where these decisions are made.
My expectation is that the law will eventually be struck down. I don't think companies are moving to Texas unware of the conservative politics here. They are looking at the financial impact on their operations and lack of taxes.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by Warrior2020 »

Yes. I know several people who are moving out of the state due to the passing of 3 bills. I can see several companies possibly doing the same. I think some people will skip Texas and go to AZ, TN, NC, or some other state. As of late even all over Twitter, many look at TX as one of the most backwards state in the country.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by LBK2013 »

Warrior2020 wrote:Yes. I know several people who are moving out of the state due to the passing of 3 bills. I can see several companies possibly doing the same. I think some people will skip Texas and go to AZ, TN, NC, or some other state. As of late even all over Twitter, many look at TX as one of the most backwards state in the country.
AZ, TN, and NC are pretty similar to Texas as far as politics.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by cowboyeagle05 »

It takes a lot of money for companies to uproot and leave and honesty if one big company is shopping to move to Texas and that's their barrier to entry they will just tell the governor point blank we wont take your tax incentives because of ______. The biggest moment comes when that company either quietly decides to go somewhere else or if it decides make it public to the press so that they can slap the state in the face publicly while going somewhere else.

Of course what we are afraid of is the silent jobs that will not come here but that's hard to quantify jobs that were never here in the first place and its easy to blame laws as the reason cause politics does encourage people to lie to make a point.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by Kelley USA »

I don't see this being an issue in the slightest. Companies like to pretend they're woke and they like to virtue signal while really doing nothing about the issues. You also have to assume that these big companies are run by leftist, which isn't the case. Harvard Law School did a study back in 2019 that found the following results about CEO's:

We find that these political contributions display substantial partisan preferences in support of Republican candidates. We classify CEOs as “Republican” if they contribute primarily to Republican candidates, “Democratic” if they contribute primarily to Democratic candidates, and “Neutral” if they split their financial support among the two major parties. We find that 58% of CEOs are Republicans (so defined), while only 18% are Democrat (and the remaining 24% Neutral). Furthermore, Republican CEOs lead companies with more than twice the asset value of companies led by Democratic CEOs (not a shocker).

So one could argue that the abortion law may actually make Texas more attractive to CEO's looking to move their company.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by cowboyeagle05 »

AKA most CEO's wont be bothered by the abortion law. Which I agree.

Of course for many liberals Texas is looking like the backwards red neck state they all imagined where we can't keep the lights on due to mismanagement of our electricity grid, a crazy governor who ignores a pandemic and passing several laws that seem to go against a perceived expected progressive norms. I consider myself in the middle personally but I can see how someone who hasn't been to one of our big cities would perceive that we still tell women to stay home with the kids and that we don't have something as simple as a gay bar due to intolerance. That wont stop companies though cause they crunch the numbers differently.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by Jbarn »

I think the problem won’t be getting the companies to move here, but instead getting the young, educated, millennials to move here that will be needed to work at all these companies. If they can’t find the workers, they will stop coming.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by The Rock 07 »

I work in a building that overlooks the North End. For what it is worth, the top level of the central parking garage (closest to the Union) has been vacant for several months now - no cars. The top level of the northern parking garage (closest to the AAC) continues to regularly have vehicles.

My sense would be (assuming without a grand-slam GS lease-up) that the portion closest to the Union would be demo’d first and replaced with the mid-rise timber office building built on a speculative basis. The other two buildings of the North End would remain, and the project would be constructed in phases over the years/decades.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by willyk »

My concern is that companies that want to move to Texas to attract young tech employees will find that this is a barrier to recruiting them from college and out of state, so it undermines one of the main reasons to move here.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by Cmacemm »

willyk wrote:My concern is that companies that want to move to Texas to attract young tech employees will find that this is a barrier to recruiting them from college and out of state, so it undermines one of the main reasons to move here.
I work in the banking industry and I’ve had multiple recruiters reach out to me recently from Goldman Sachs (not specifically for Dallas). My wife and I 100% would not reconsider moving back at this point due to the new laws and I have multiple friends looking to relocate already. This is going to have bigger effects than most of you think
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by Warrior2020 »

Cmacemm wrote:
willyk wrote:My concern is that companies that want to move to Texas to attract young tech employees will find that this is a barrier to recruiting them from college and out of state, so it undermines one of the main reasons to move here.
I work in the banking industry and I’ve had multiple recruiters reach out to me recently from Goldman Sachs (not specifically for Dallas). My wife and I 100% would not reconsider moving back at this point due to the new laws and I have multiple friends looking to relocate already. This is going to have bigger effects than most of you think
That's what I'm telling them. Texas has been looking bad this entire year. I know people who are Fed up with it and are trying to leave. However, I don't think it will hurt the state too bad long term. I think shirt term it will though.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by emmasensei »

I am reluctant to get political here, but I'll add that many people move to Texas FOR a job--as opposed to moving for a particular culture, or for family, or some other reason. They move for the job. Because Texas cities are growing so quickly, many industries need to continue staffing up, and monetary incentives to move here are at a high.

If that job happens to be in an industry where these laws actually do negatively impact your day-to-day (like, ahem, medicine), then suddenly, there may not be a compelling reason to stay--particularly if you're high-skilled or in demand.

Not that I'm speaking from personal experience or anything. ;)
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by zaphod »

Consider the impact of remote work in a post-covid timeline though. More and more workers whose job can be done remotely will demand the option, especially in highly paid occupations where talent is a factor.

I can see as times goes on that the large Texas cities will not be able to rely on the strategy of luring in corporate campuses and expecting 10,000 six-figure earning professionals to show up and buy houses.

Instead people who were already politically conservative and had a good impression of Texas and really value the lifestyle of owning a very large suburban or exurban home will continue to move here. And industries like manufacturing will continue to move and expand here.

There are a lot of culturally/politically moderate states in the middle of the country that have affordable housing and much more natural and urban amenities than they are credited for. In the past people in the Midwest would move to the Sunbelt to get better jobs and move to growing suburban communities.

But nowadays people don't have to move like that. Huge companies like Google and Microsoft, Amazon, Salesforce, etc, have small branch offices scattered around these days, in Big Ten college towns and in rust belt cities you wouldn't expect. I would fully expect that maybe these companies would explore letting people associate with the office closest to them for in-person interaction but have teams that span the country too.

I just think something has to give. If a lot of people who are economically pushed to move to Texas don't really like it here and it doesn't vibe with them why stay or move at all? Moving is expensive and separates you from family and friends. Just to make my point clear, I think relocating 1000 miles away from home to a place you are at best ambivalent about just so you can sit at a desk in a cubicle while working in a computer application that's accessible anywhere that has internet seems so 1998.

As for this proposal, I sort of don't like it. I think it is going to be vaporware. It's one of those really over the top renderings that gets skyscraper nerds excited but aren't office tower vacancies really high right now? And aren't they not as high as they could be only because some occupants don't want to break their lease? I predict they never build this thing. And if they do all its going to accomplish is to cannibalize existing office space in the core and cause a shift away from historic, architecturally significant towers that are closer to DART, Main Street and various pedestrian hot spots, and essentially deaden downtown.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by Dallas_Uptown »

Warrior2020 wrote:
Cmacemm wrote:
willyk wrote:My concern is that companies that want to move to Texas to attract young tech employees will find that this is a barrier to recruiting them from college and out of state, so it undermines one of the main reasons to move here.
I work in the banking industry and I’ve had multiple recruiters reach out to me recently from Goldman Sachs (not specifically for Dallas). My wife and I 100% would not reconsider moving back at this point due to the new laws and I have multiple friends looking to relocate already. This is going to have bigger effects than most of you think
That's what I'm telling them. Texas has been looking bad this entire year. I know people who are Fed up with it and are trying to leave. However, I don't think it will hurt the state too bad long term. I think shirt term it will though.
When this finally makes its way to the Supremes, I can easily most justices disagreeing with the bounty-hunting provision.

Regarding the 6-week timeline, I can see this driving the final verdict to a close 5-4 decision, with Roberts and one other justice viewing this as a step too far.

If the ruling goes any other way, Texas will be a pariah, and assuming well-educated top talent will continue to be scarce, tech and other consumer-facing companies will avoid us big-time.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by rono3849 »

No one can see the future. North Carolina & Georgia have passed laws that the media went nuts about and that passed. This will pass too. America has a short attention span about political issues. Another outrage will occur that will garner the wrath of the left leaning media.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by emmasensei »

"Just to make my point clear, I think relocating 1000 miles away from home to a place you are at best ambivalent about just so you can sit at a desk in a cubicle while working in a computer application that's accessible anywhere that has internet seems so 1998."

You are absolutely not wrong (in fact, I fit this description perfectly; I've been 100% remote in a knowledge position since 2012).

The point I was making is that skilled professions, which CANNOT be done remotely, are so in demand in Texas cities with exploding population growth: physicians, nurses, lab staff, teachers, community program managers, social workers, dentists, childcare, elder care.

The Venn diagram of these professions and those which are directly impacted by state/local politics is a circle.

My spouse runs a laboratory. He certainly has his own views and would prefer his community reflect them, but what he cannot stand is the constant flipflopping: the "we passed this law, so change everything to comply! Wait a sec lol we struck that law down. Change everything back!"

He is thisclose to uprooting us to a state with way less drama so he can just focus on doing the science he was trained to do--especially since three of his very highly-skilled coworkers, whom he really enjoyed working with, have already made the decision to do just that. The exodus is already underway. And I don't want to move. Because moving is a giant pain in the ass. But I will if I have to, because I work remotely, and he can't.

Have to assume a lot of folks have a similar dynamic.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by Pinhi »

The new Texas laws would make me MORE inclined to move to Texas not less.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by Tnexster »

Pinhi wrote:The new Texas laws would make me MORE inclined to move to Texas not less.
I think a lot of people feel that way. Clearly what is driving some people to make a move.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by DFW »

We must break the mold!!
People want optimism, not fear. So now that starts with fixing ourselves. Because while all this fearmongering is going on and it’s prolong, fixing ourselves is going to be harder and scarier than any virus or economic collapse.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by zblevinz555 »

By no means am I a photo cropper at all but I tried my best. Would be a major addition to the skyline.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by I45Tex »

Thanks for that rendering.

I do think that from that angle even the tallest proposal would look significantly shorter than Renaissance Tower (886' high) as the uptown site is farther away from the viewer and the residential ceiling heights are lower than office by several feet per floor. ...This is also why the 74-storey proposal in Austin would be expected to stand taller than the proposed uptown 83-storey building -- because that one has 25 office floors, plus other uses.
https://austin.towers.net/downtown-aust ... reek-site/
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by zblevinz555 »

I45Tex wrote:Thanks for that rendering.

I do think that from that angle even the tallest proposal would look significantly shorter than Renaissance Tower (886' high) as the uptown site is farther away from the viewer and the residential ceiling heights are lower than office by several feet per floor. ...This is also why the 74-storey proposal in Austin would stand taller than this 83-storey building -- because the other one has 25 office floors, plus other uses.
https://austin.towers.net/downtown-aust ... reek-site/
Yea I see what your saying. I can’t find a professional rendering of the entire skyline anywhere. Def disproportionate
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by cowboyeagle05 »

Plus I doubt they will end up being that tall in the final proposal if this thing does actually ever materialize...and its still a far fetched thing no matter how many unnamed sources we quote on this forum. Y'all be counting them chickens before the eggs have even been laid.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by Tnexster »

I would love to see the skyline materialize as proposed in this development as it would really help pull downtown and Uptown together. It would be great if the skyline would push south in the Newpark proposal too. I just can't help but feel these things are very optimistic, especially with so much vacant space siting around. Hopefully Goldman comes and builds some confidence in downtown.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by undefinedprocess »

Tnexster wrote:I would love to see the skyline materialize as proposed in this development as it would really help pull downtown and Uptown together. It would be great if the skyline would push south in the Newpark proposal too. I just can't help but feel these things are very optimistic, especially with so much vacant space siting around. Hopefully Goldman comes and builds some confidence in downtown.
In The Discord, "algoist" was saying they heard Goldman is now looking at Westlake... Certainly hope this isn't true and hope they land in the core period, even if it isn't here at the North End project. NewPark, Field St District, etc, don't care, just in the city itself.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by Tnexster »

Westlake would make sense just because its in the vicinity with so many other financial firms. Sad, but would not surprise me if they went out there.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by zblevinz555 »

Pic I took rendered with the field st development to the left. It’s so far fetched when/if the project ever gets off the ground jus wanted to get creative with it
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by Cbdallas »

Dallas needs to make Goldman Sachs an offer they can't refuse otherwise we will just keep on loosing the big fish to the Burbs as we have for so many years.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by Tnexster »

Cbdallas wrote:Dallas needs to make Goldman Sachs an offer they can't refuse otherwise we will just keep on loosing the big fish to the Burbs as we have for so many years.
The problem is workforce, they love to be close to easy access to finance people and now thats become Westlake or pretty much that whole area. Dallas screwed up long ago. Hope they can lure Goldman in as that would or could at least start to transition some of that back towards downtown.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by cowboyeagle05 »

But Uptown is full of the big financial offices the number of investment companies. The Crescent alone is a popular stronghold for many companies with their hands in money/real estate etc in Dallas and throughout the US and world. Now when it comes to the every day employee who makes 65,000 yr sure that convo is a bit different that's why I doubt we would see all those employees in Uptown anyway. Westlake for the mid level massive work force and Uptown would house the executive branch upper level employees with a skyline imposing logo. You aren't going to see any employer put thousands of employees downtown/Uptown when you have the cheaper suburbs within reach.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by tamtagon »

It's campus versus highrise.

Dallas shouldn't try to pay a company into opting for the highrise option, Dallas should become the city that is the lure for those companies.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by I45Tex »

Tnexster wrote:
Cbdallas wrote:Dallas needs to make Goldman Sachs an offer they can't refuse otherwise we will just keep on loosing the big fish to the Burbs as we have for so many years.
The problem is workforce, they love to be close to easy access to finance people and now thats become Westlake or pretty much that whole area. Dallas screwed up long ago.
Meh. If the lure is large-lot-size mansions with short commutes at a range of prices from entry-level to showplace, then in 10 years Westlake will also have "screwed up" because it can no longer offer that. That part of the shell game can't be reversed simply by the lure of urban amenities either. It's not a "problem" in nations or metros where new cheap mansion suburbs scarcely exist to begin with.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by Tivo_Kenevil »

Early on in my career I was in banking. I had the opportunity to work in OH, DE, IN, and NYC. One thing I noticed is that banks tend to put client facing roles in city centers. Along w/ higher regional positions.

Operations/ back office type jobs are in mainly in soul crushing, non-descript, homogenous suburban office parks. Most of the office parks where very, very basic. The same is true for the JPMC relocation that occurred in North Texas.

My contacts say the facilities there are new and basic, rather "eh". Seems like Wells Fargo is following the same playbook with the Irving relocation.

So the type of jobs Goldman Sachs is bringing here is likely to determine what type of office they choose.

Oh and btw, my inbox keeps getting blown up with job openings from Goldman. They're on their way to DFW. For sure.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by Tnexster »

Dallas’ Field Street is the new ‘center of gravity’ downtown
Several skyscraper projects being planned would link downtown and Uptown.

https://www.dallasnews.com/business/rea ... -downtown/
Is Field Street the new main street in Dallas?

Billions of dollars in high-rise building projects are in the works along the thoroughfare connecting downtown with Uptown.

Scattered along seven blocks of Field Street between Ross Avenue and Harry Hines Boulevard are the sites for some of the biggest new developments on the way in North Texas.

A half dozen skyscraper projects planned along Field Street will connect downtown’s towers with the growing high-rise neighborhood just north of Woodall Rodgers Freeway.

“We think Field Street is the most exciting street in Dallas in the next decade,” said Jonas Woods with Dallas-based real estate investor Woods Capital. “You have probably the strongest collection of owners that are super-high-quality developers that has ever existed on a single street.

“It has the potential to be a redefining street in much the way Klyde Warren Park redefined the area between Uptown and downtown,” Woods said. “It can stitch together Uptown and downtown, and we are going to do our part of make sure it’s developed appropriately.”
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by Tucy »

dalbert wrote:Friend in the industry says Goldman to North End is almost a done deal. Ironing out details on a built-to-suit property, and will likely be announced toward the end of the year, or Q1 at the latest.
Any updates from the friend in the industry?
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by willyk »

Not sure about location, but I heard this will be their second largest employment location in the country.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by Tivo_Kenevil »

I need Golan Sachs in Downton pah leezz,
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by eburress »

It's interesting that the new Goldman Sachs website is featuring crypto, the Metaverse, and other "megatrends." I wonder how this apparent new focus would affect their expansion plans; if it would lead them to an in-town or suburban locale.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by tamtagon »

If they want to be in the nicest part of the city, it'll be downtown, if they want an affordable location in North Texas, it'll be in Collin County.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by Tivo_Kenevil »

tamtagon wrote:If they want to be in the nicest part of the city, it'll be downtown, if they want an affordable location in North Texas, it'll be in Collin County.
Affordable in Collin county? I dont know if that's true anymore... It's not exactly green fields anymore
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by zblevinz555 »

I may be late to the party but has anyone noticed that the
north end apartments website only has nothing else on it besides a resident portal? Or has it been that way for a while? Anyone know if leasing has stopped?
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by Urban Toreador »

No but I did notice a lot of neon pink spray paint on the sidewalks around the complex marking things like utility covers. These are new.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by Tivo_Kenevil »

zblevinz555 wrote:I may be late to the party but has anyone noticed that the
north end apartments website only has nothing else on it besides a resident portal? Or has it been that way for a while? Anyone know if leasing has stopped?
Yes it stopped. Someone confirmed this on the discord
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by Kelley USA »

Tivo_Kenevil wrote:
zblevinz555 wrote:I may be late to the party but has anyone noticed that the
north end apartments website only has nothing else on it besides a resident portal? Or has it been that way for a while? Anyone know if leasing has stopped?
Yes it stopped. Someone confirmed this on the discord
Also, according to Apartments.com there are no available units. So yes, it has definitely stopped! I would say that's a good sign.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by kingkong34 »

Kelley USA wrote:
Tivo_Kenevil wrote:
zblevinz555 wrote:I may be late to the party but has anyone noticed that the
north end apartments website only has nothing else on it besides a resident portal? Or has it been that way for a while? Anyone know if leasing has stopped?
Yes it stopped. Someone confirmed this on the discord
Also, according to Apartments.com there are no available units. So yes, it has definitely stopped! I would say that's a good sign.
I was touring an apartment in Victory Park and the leasing agent asked if we were from the North End apartments. She was saying they were not taking any more leases. This was six months ago. They are waiting for leases to expire, before anything will happen.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by Tnexster »

Dallas considering tax breaks for Goldman Sachs for new downtown area tower
The Dallas City Council is scheduled to vote June 22 to create a neighborhood empowerment zone around the proposed development near the Perot Museum.

https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politic ... rea-tower/
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by DFW »

They say that the North End Apartments stoped taking leases back in January or February. Still this will take awhile, but regardless it’s good news.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by CTroyMathis »

2028. el oh el. Yeah, okay.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by dallaz »

CTroyMathis wrote:2028. el oh el. Yeah, okay.
Damn, that’s a long time.
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Re: Uptown Dallas - Field Street Development [North End Apartments Site]

Post by Tucy »

CTroyMathis wrote:2028. el oh el. Yeah, okay.
I noticed that too. I wonder if that's when Goldman Sachs's lease at Trammel Crow Center expires.

There are more questions than answers raised by the DMN article. I suppose we'll learn more late next month.
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